How to Feel Less Stressed...and FAST

How to Feel Less Stressed...and FAST

A cluttered mind prevents you from being able to dive any deeper. You can't work on inner healing when you're worried about the things on the surface. We need to peel back the onion.

The thing about doing self work, is that YOU are the only one who can do it. I can't do it for you, your family can't do it for you, and reading this blog without applying these tactics won't actually do anything to help you. Action is where you'll see change.

One of the very first tangible things you can do to start working on your world is de-clutter.

And I mean physically!

  1. Grab a pen and paper or your journal.
  2. Take a few minutes and walk through your home without judgement. This is about observing, not judging yourself. A messy home is completely acceptable.
  3. When you arrive at a new room, stop. Write the name of the room, how it feels to be standing in that room, and the things that you want to do to de-clutter.

It may look something like this:

Living room. When I walk in here, I just want to walk through it and leave. We don't really use this room. It's not cozy or anything. I do need to vacuum and dust the shelves.


Office. I feel anxious when I walk in here. It's super chaotic. There are papers thrown all over the desk, piles of things that need to be filed away, and it smells like dog. I need to wash the dog's blanket, organize the desk, and get rid of the stuff I don't need.


Front room. This room reminds me of my ex. I avoid this room. I used to love being in here and curling up on the couch. I want to throw away the red blanket, tidy the books on the shelf, and vacuum.


Bedroom. I love this room! I always feel so safe in here. It's warm and I love the ambiance of my lighting. I want to do the laundry, make the bed, and organize the dresser to donate old clothing and make space.


You get the point. The main thing to notice is how you FEEL. Your gut tells you everything. We are slowly getting you in touch with your self awareness.


Next step: Sit down and make a plan. Grab a single piece of paper you can hang up where you will see it.

If you have three rooms in your home, this may only take a few days. If you have 12 rooms in your home, recruit some help, or practice patience. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Make a checklist for each room, and write down the items you noted you want to do in that room. *Note* If the energy of the room is off, negative, or gives you any bad vibe, rearranging the room entirely is a beautiful way to get rid of stagnant energy and create a fresh flow. This can be a game changer.

Now commit to completing one task per day.

Hang your sheet somewhere you can see it daily. Remember, one thing at a time.

You may empty out a junk drawer in the kitchen on Monday, fix the loose door knob on Tuesday, file documents on Wednesday, vacuum a room on Thursday, wipe down the mirrors on Friday, and so on.

Yes, you may complete more than one task per day, but your only goal is to do ONE thing per day. Able to complete more? Fine. Only got one thing done? Great!

The environment in which you spend the most time is affecting you more than you may realize. I recommend starting with the rooms you are in the most. (Bedroom, office, living area, etc.)

If your space is chaotic, I can guarantee your mind is chaotic, too.


If you want more structure throughout your day and a way to calm your mind, the Mindful Journal is a great place to start.


You can do this!

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